Warning - There is music playing once you get past the start screen.  I believe it should be at a decent volume, but as I'm a solo developer I didn't get a chance to test on other computers.

This was my attempt for the theme, Survival of the Fittest.  Unfortunately, most of the features I intended to include (more interesting enemies, special abilities you can gain from said enemies) were not able to be included.  So instead we have this extremely rough prototype.  Defeat the red slimes on each level to progress.  There's only 3 levels.  



WASD or Arrow Keys to Move, Hold Space to Charge your Dash and Release to go Flying

Xbox Controller:

Left Analog Stick to Move, X to Charge your Dash and Release to go Flying, A for Menus



Abstraction http://abstractionmusic.bandcamp.com/ https://tallbeard.itch.io/three-red-hearts-prepare-to-dev


This helpful post: https://godotengine.org/qa/20926/changing-a-specific-color-in-a-sprite-using-sha...

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