This is a game jam submission for Bracky's Game Jam 2024.2

The theme is 'Calm before the Storm'.

The object of the game is to survive as many nights as you can before your flame eventually goes out.  Game is fairly experimental/prototype-y so word of warning.  There hopefully shouldn't be any bugs, but the game is pretty barebones in the end.  Press interact to destroy bushes and gain wood + light.  Use the wood to craft traps and light to kindle your flame.  At night, avoid going to far outside the light (the radius for this is a bit misleading - apologies) and defeat enemies.  Reset your traps as needed or use a very basic attack and try to survive as long as you can.

Controls (meant to add control remapping, but ran out of time)

E or Enter on Keyboard, B on Xbox Controller = Attack

Q or F Keys on Keyboard, X on Xbox Controller = Interact

Space Bar, A on Xbox Controller = Jump




Art Style Inspiration (all art was made by me, but I really liked this color pallete/design):

Published 4 days ago

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